Partner introduction: University of West Attica


University of West Attica (UΝΙWA) is the third largest university in Greece with regard to the number of undergraduate students, whereas it hosts over 50,000 students in total. It is a dynamic and constantly evolving institution that strives to fulfill its vision and mission, and to achieve its goals investing in the development of modern teaching methods, adapted to students’ needs and responsive to competitive labor market and society requirements, as well as in its modern facilities and infrastructure.

The Department of Public and Community Health offers qualitative undergraduate and postgraduate education in the scientific field of public and community health. Its curriculum provides graduates with the necessary scientific knowledge and skills that enable them to comprehend the complex nature of public and community health issues, to make scientifically sound decisions and undertake coordinated action to protect, preserve and promote health, the individual, the family, the community and the population.

UNIWA team consists of Evanthia Sakellari who is Associate Professor in Community Health and Areti Lagiou who is Professor of Epidemiology, Disease Prevention and Public Health.

Dr. Evanthia Sakellari is the Director of Health Promotion and Health Education. She is a member of the Research Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Department of Public and Community Health. She is teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Greece and in Europe. She has long research experience nationally and internationally which has led to a number of publications in peer-reviewed journals. She works closely with the Greek Ministry of Health in the development and evaluation of health education interventions in the school setting.

Prof. Areti Lagiou is the Head of the Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology, and Chair of the Department of Public and Community Health. She has extensive teaching experience in the fields of Epidemiology, Public and Community Health, as well as chronic non-communicable disease prevention. She has extensive research experience, both as a principal investigator as well as core research group member in several national and international research projects.